Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects

Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects
Utility MacrosThe utils macros define the infrastructure needed to enable the object/component for correct factory operation.
`uvm_field_utils_endThese macros form a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed.
`uvm_object_utils_enduvm_object-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros.
`uvm_component_enduvm_component-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros.
`uvm_object_registryRegister a uvm_object-based class with the factory
`uvm_component_registryRegisters a uvm_component-based class with the factory
Field MacrosThe `uvm_field_* macros are invoked inside of the `uvm_*_utils_begin and `uvm_*_utils_end macro blocks to form “automatic” implementations of the core data methods: copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, and sprint.
`uvm_field_* macrosMacros that implement data operations for scalar properties.
`uvm_field_intImplements the data operations for any packed integral property.
`uvm_field_objectImplements the data operations for a uvm_object-based property.
`uvm_field_stringImplements the data operations for a string property.
`uvm_field_enumImplements the data operations for an enumerated property.
`uvm_field_realImplements the data operations for any real property.
`uvm_field_eventImplements the data operations for an event property.
`uvm_field_sarray_* macrosMacros that implement data operations for one-dimensional static array properties.
`uvm_field_sarray_intImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of integrals.
`uvm_field_sarray_objectImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects.
`uvm_field_sarray_stringImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of strings.
`uvm_field_sarray_enumImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of enums.
`uvm_field_array_* macrosMacros that implement data operations for one-dimensional dynamic array properties.
`uvm_field_array_intImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals.
`uvm_field_array_objectImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_object-based objects.
`uvm_field_array_stringImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings.
`uvm_field_array_enumImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums.
`uvm_field_queue_* macrosMacros that implement data operations for dynamic queues.
`uvm_field_queue_intImplements the data operations for a queue of integrals.
`uvm_field_queue_objectImplements the data operations for a queue of uvm_object-based objects.
`uvm_field_queue_stringImplements the data operations for a queue of strings.
`uvm_field_queue_enumImplements the data operations for a one-dimensional queue of enums.
`uvm_field_aa_*_string macrosMacros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by string.
`uvm_field_aa_int_stringImplements the data operations for an associative array of integrals indexed by string.
`uvm_field_aa_object_stringImplements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by string.
`uvm_field_aa_string_stringImplements the data operations for an associative array of strings indexed by string.
`uvm_field_aa_*_int macrosMacros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by an integral type.
`uvm_field_aa_object_intImplements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by the int data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_intImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_int_unsignedImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int unsigned data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_integerImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_integer_unsignedImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer unsigned data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_byteImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_byte_unsignedImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte unsigned data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_shortintImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_shortint_unsignedImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint unsigned data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_longintImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_longint_unsignedImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint unsigned data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_keyImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any integral key data type.
`uvm_field_aa_int_enumkeyImplements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any enumeration key data type.
Recording MacrosThe recording macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_record method.
`uvm_record_attributeVendor-independent macro to hide tool-specific interface for recording attributes (fields) to a transaction database.
`uvm_record_fieldMacro for recording arbitrary name-value pairs into a transaction recording database.
Packing MacrosThe packing macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_pack method.
Packing - With Size Info
`uvm_pack_intNPack an integral variable.
`uvm_pack_enumNPack an integral variable.
`uvm_pack_sarrayNPack a static array of integrals.
`uvm_pack_arrayNPack a dynamic array of integrals.
`uvm_pack_queueNPack a queue of integrals.
Packing - No Size Info
`uvm_pack_intPack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size.
`uvm_pack_enumPack an enumeration value.
`uvm_pack_stringPack a string variable.
`uvm_pack_realPack a variable of type real.
`uvm_pack_sarrayPack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.
`uvm_pack_arrayPack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.
`uvm_pack_queuePack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.
Unpacking MacrosThe unpacking macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_unpack method.
Unpacking - With Size Info
`uvm_unpack_intNUnpack into an integral variable.
`uvm_unpack_enumNUnpack enum of type TYPE into VAR.
`uvm_unpack_sarrayNUnpack a static (fixed) array of integrals.
`uvm_unpack_arrayNUnpack into a dynamic array of integrals.
`uvm_unpack_queueNUnpack into a queue of integrals.
Unpacking - No Size Info
`uvm_unpack_intUnpack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size.
`uvm_unpack_enumUnpack an enumeration value, which requires its type be specified.
`uvm_unpack_stringUnpack a string variable.
`uvm_unpack_realUnpack a variable of type real.
`uvm_unpack_sarrayUnpack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.
`uvm_unpack_arrayUnpack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.
`uvm_unpack_queueUnpack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.

Utility Macros

The utils macros define the infrastructure needed to enable the object/component for correct factory operation.  See `uvm_object_utils and `uvm_component_utils for details.

A utils macro should be used inside every user-defined class that extends uvm_object directly or indirectly, including uvm_sequence_item and uvm_component.

Below is an example usage of the utils macro for a user-defined object.

class mydata extends uvm_object;


   // declare data properties

  function new(string name="mydata_inst");


Below is an example usage of a utils macro for a user-defined component.

class my_comp extends uvm_component;


   // declare data properties

  function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null);



These macros form a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed.  Used as

  `uvm_field_* macros here

These macros do not perform factory registration nor implement the get_type_name and create methods.  Use this form when you need custom implementations of these two methods, or when you are setting up field macros for an abstract class (i.e. virtual class).


uvm_object-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros.

For simple objects with no field macros, use


For simple objects with field macros, use

  `uvm_field_* macro invocations here

For parameterized objects with no field macros, use


For parameterized objects, with field macros, use

  `uvm_field_* macro invocations here

Simple (non-parameterized) objects use the uvm_object_utils* versions, which do the following:

  • Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string
  • Implements create, which allocates an object of type TYPE by calling its constructor with no arguments.  TYPE’s constructor, if defined, must have default values on all it arguments.
  • Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type.
  • Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type.
  • Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already allocated object.

Parameterized classes must use the uvm_object_param_utils* versions.  They differ from `uvm_object_utils only in that they do not supply a type name when registering the object with the factory.  As such, name-based lookup with the factory for parameterized classes is not possible.

The macros with _begin suffixes are the same as the non-suffixed versions except that they also start a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed.  The block must be terminated by `uvm_object_utils_end.


uvm_component-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros.

For simple components with no field macros, use


For simple components with field macros, use

  `uvm_field_* macro invocations here

For parameterized components with no field macros, use


For parameterized components with field macros, use

  `uvm_field_* macro invocations here

Simple (non-parameterized) components must use the uvm_components_utils* versions, which do the following:

  • Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string.
  • Implements create, which allocates a component of type TYPE using a two argument constructor.  TYPE’s constructor must have a name and a parent argument.
  • Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type.
  • Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type.
  • Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already allocated object.

Parameterized classes must use the uvm_object_param_utils* versions.  They differ from `uvm_object_utils only in that they do not supply a type name when registering the object with the factory.  As such, name-based lookup with the factory for parameterized classes is not possible.

The macros with _begin suffixes are the same as the non-suffixed versions except that they also start a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed.  The block must be terminated by `uvm_component_utils_end.


Register a uvm_object-based class with the factory


Registers a uvm_object-based class T and lookup string S with the factory.  S typically is the name of the class in quotes.  The `uvm_object_utils family of macros uses this macro.


Registers a uvm_component-based class with the factory


Registers a uvm_component-based class T and lookup string S with the factory.  S typically is the name of the class in quotes.  The `uvm_object_utils family of macros uses this macro.

Field Macros

The `uvm_field_* macros are invoked inside of the `uvm_*_utils_begin and `uvm_*_utils_end macro blocks to form “automatic” implementations of the core data methods: copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, and sprint.

By using the macros, you do not have to implement any of the do_* methods inherited from uvm_object.  However, be aware that the field macros expand into general inline code that is not as run-time efficient nor as flexible as direct implementations of the do_* methods.

Below is an example usage of the field macros for a sequence item.

class my_trans extends uvm_sequence_item;

  cmd_t  cmd;
  int    addr;
  int    data[$];
  my_ext ext;
  string str;

    `uvm_field_enum     (cmd_t, cmd, UVM_ALL_ON)
    `uvm_field_int      (addr, UVM_ALL_ON)
    `uvm_field_queue_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON)
    `uvm_field_object   (ext,  UVM_ALL_ON)
    `uvm_field_string   (str,  UVM_ALL_ON)

  function new(string name="mydata_inst");


Below is an example usage of the field macros for a component.

class my_comp extends uvm_component;

  my_comp_cfg  cfg;

    `uvm_field_object   (cfg,  UVM_ALL_ON)

  function new(string name="my_comp_inst", uvm_component parent=null);


Each `uvm_field_* macro is named according to the particular data type it handles: integrals, strings, objects, queues, etc., and each has at least two arguments: ARG and FLAG.

ARGis the instance name of the variable, whose type must be compatible with the macro being invoked.  In the example, class variable addr is an integral type, so we use the `uvm_field_int macro.
FLAGif set to UVM_ALL_ON, as in the example, the ARG variable will be included in all data methods.  If FLAG is set to something other than UVM_ALL_ON or UVM_DEFAULT, it specifies which data method implementations will not include the given variable.  Thus, if FLAG is specified as NO_COMPARE, the ARG variable will not affect comparison operations, but it will be included in everything else.

All possible values for FLAG are listed and described below.  Multiple flag values can be bitwise OR’ed together (in most cases they may be added together as well, but care must be taken when using the + operator to ensure that the same bit is not added more than once).

UVM_ALL_ONSet all operations on.
UVM_DEFAULTThis is the recommended set of flags to pass to the field macros.  Currently, it enables all of the operations, making it functionally identical to UVM_ALL_ON.  In the future however, additional flags could be added with a recommended default value of off.
UVM_NOCOPYDo not copy this field.
UVM_NOCOMPAREDo not compare this field.
UVM_NOPRINTDo not print this field.
UVM_NOPACKDo not pack or unpack this field.
UVM_REFERENCEFor object types, operate only on the handle (e.g. no deep copy)
UVM_PHYSICALTreat as a physical field.  Use physical setting in policy class for this field.
UVM_ABSTRACTTreat as an abstract field.  Use the abstract setting in the policy class for this field.
UVM_READONLYDo not allow setting of this field from the set_*_local methods or during uvm_component::apply_config_settings operation.

A radix for printing and recording can be specified by OR’ing one of the following constants in the FLAG argument

UVM_BINPrint / record the field in binary (base-2).
UVM_DECPrint / record the field in decimal (base-10).
UVM_UNSIGNEDPrint / record the field in unsigned decimal (base-10).
UVM_OCTPrint / record the field in octal (base-8).
UVM_HEXPrint / record the field in hexadecimal (base-16).
UVM_STRINGPrint / record the field in string format.
UVM_TIMEPrint / record the field in time format.

Radix settings for integral types.  Hex is the default radix if none is specified.

A UVM component should not be specified using the `uvm_field_object macro unless its flag includes UVM_REFERENCE.  Otherwise, the field macro will implement deep copy, which is an illegal operation for uvm_components.  You will get a FATAL error if you tried to copy or clone an object containing a component handle that was registered with a field macro without the UVM_REFERENCE flag.  You will also get duplicate entries when printing component topology, as this functionality is already provided by UVM.

`uvm_field_* macros

Macros that implement data operations for scalar properties.


Implements the data operations for any packed integral property.


ARG is an integral property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a uvm_object-based property.


ARG is an object property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a string property.


ARG is a string property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an enumerated property.


T is an enumerated type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for any real property.


ARG is an real property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an event property.


ARG is an event property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

`uvm_field_sarray_* macros

Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional static array properties.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of integrals.


ARG is a one-dimensional static array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects.


ARG is a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of strings.


ARG is a one-dimensional static array of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of enums.


T is a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

`uvm_field_array_* macros

Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional dynamic array properties.

Implementation note

lines flagged with empty multi-line comments, /**/, are not needed or need to be different for fixed arrays, which cannot be resized.  Fixed arrays do not need to pack/unpack their size either, because their size is known; wouldn’t hurt though if it allowed code consolidation.  Unpacking would necessarily be different.  */


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals.


ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_object-based objects.


ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings.


ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums.


T is a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

`uvm_field_queue_* macros

Macros that implement data operations for dynamic queues.


Implements the data operations for a queue of integrals.


ARG is a one-dimensional queue of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a queue of uvm_object-based objects.


ARG is a one-dimensional queue of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a queue of strings.


ARG is a one-dimensional queue of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional queue of enums.


T is a queue of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

`uvm_field_aa_*_string macros

Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by string.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integrals indexed by string.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by string.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of objects with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of strings indexed by string.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of strings with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

`uvm_field_aa_*_int macros

Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by an integral type.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by the int data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of objects with int key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with int key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int unsigned data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with int unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with integer key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer unsigned data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with integer unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with byte key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte unsigned data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with byte unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with shortint key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint unsigned data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with shortint unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with longint key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint unsigned data type.


ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with longint unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any integral key data type.


KEY is the data type of the integral key, ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.


Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any enumeration key data type.

`uvm_field_aa_int_enumkey(KEY, ARG,FLAG)

KEY is the enumeration type of the key, ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above.

Recording Macros

The recording macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_record method.  They help ensure that the fields are recorded using a vendor- independent API.  Unlike the uvm_recorder policy, fields recorded using the macros do not lose type information--they are passed directly to the vendor-specific API.  This results in more efficient recording and no artificial limit on bit-widths.  See your simulator vendor’s documentation for more information on its transaction recording capabilities.


Vendor-independent macro to hide tool-specific interface for recording attributes (fields) to a transaction database.

`uvm_record_attribute(TR_HANDLE, NAME, VALUE)

The default implementation of the macro passes NAME and VALUE through to the uvm_recorder::record_generic method.

This macro should not be called directly by the user, the other recording macros will call it automatically if uvm_recorder::use_record_attribute returns true.



The `uvm_record_int macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_field method (including the optional RADIX).

The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_field.



The `uvm_record_string macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_string method.

The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_string.



The `uvm_record_time macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_time method.

The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_time.



The `uvm_record_real macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_field_real method.

The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_field_real.


Macro for recording arbitrary name-value pairs into a transaction recording database.  Requires a valid transaction handle, as provided by the uvm_transaction::begin_tr and uvm_component::begin_tr methods.

`uvm_record_field(NAME, VALUE)

The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_generic, with the VALUE being converted to a string using “%p” notation.


Packing Macros

The packing macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_pack method.  They help ensure that the pack operation is the exact inverse of the unpack operation.  See also Unpacking Macros.

virtual function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer);

The ‘N’ versions of these macros take a explicit size argument, which must be compile-time constant value greater than 0.


Pack an integral variable.



Pack an integral variable.



Pack a static array of integrals.



Pack a dynamic array of integrals.



Pack a queue of integrals.



Pack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size.



Pack an enumeration value.  Packing does not require its type be specified.



Pack a string variable.



Pack a variable of type real.



Pack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.



Pack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.  Array size must be non-zero.



Pack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.  Queue must not be empty.


Unpacking Macros

The unpacking macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_unpack method.  They help ensure that the unpack operation is the exact inverse of the pack operation.  See also Packing Macros.

virtual function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer);

The ‘N’ versions of these macros take a explicit size argument, which must be a compile-time constant value greater than 0.


Unpack into an integral variable.



Unpack enum of type TYPE into VAR.



Unpack a static (fixed) array of integrals.



Unpack into a dynamic array of integrals.



Unpack into a queue of integrals.



Unpack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size.



Unpack an enumeration value, which requires its type be specified.



Unpack a string variable.



Unpack a variable of type real.



Unpack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.



Unpack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.  Array size must be non-zero.



Unpack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements.  Queue must not be empty.

virtual class uvm_object extends uvm_void
The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes.
virtual function void do_record (
    uvm_recorder  recorder
The do_record method is the user-definable hook called by the record method.
virtual function void do_pack (
    uvm_packer  packer
The do_pack method is the user-definable hook called by the pack methods.
virtual function void do_unpack (
    uvm_packer  packer
The do_unpack method is the user-definable hook called by the unpack method.
class uvm_sequence_item extends uvm_transaction
The base class for user-defined sequence items and also the base class for the uvm_sequence class.
virtual class uvm_component extends uvm_report_object
The uvm_component class is the root base class for UVM components.
virtual function void apply_config_settings (
    bit  verbose  =  0
Searches for all config settings matching this component’s instance path.
The `uvm_field_* macros are invoked inside of the `uvm_*_utils_begin and `uvm_*_utils_end macro blocks to form “automatic” implementations of the core data methods: copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, and sprint.
virtual class uvm_recorder extends uvm_object
Abstract class which defines the recorder API.
function void record_generic(
    string  name,   
    string  value,   
    string  type_name  =  ""
Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string.
virtual function bit use_record_attribute()
Indicates that this recorder does (or does not) support usage of the `uvm_record_attribute macro.
function void record_field(
    string  name,   
    uvm_bitstream_t  value,   
    int  size,   
    uvm_radix_enum  radix  =  UVM_NORADIX
Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits).
Vendor-independent macro to hide tool-specific interface for recording attributes (fields) to a transaction database.
function void record_string(
    string  name,
    string  value
Records a string field.
function void record_time(
    string  name,
    time  value
Records a time field.
function void record_field_real(
    string  name,
    real  value
Records a real field.
function integer begin_tr (
    time  begin_time  =  0
This function indicates that the transaction has been started and is not the child of another transaction.
function integer begin_tr (
    uvm_transaction  tr,   
    string  stream_name  =  "main",
    string  label  =  "",
    string  desc  =  "",
    time  begin_time  =  0,
    integer  parent_handle  =  0
This function marks the start of a transaction, tr, by this component.
The unpacking macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_unpack method.
The packing macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_pack method.